Also this year for the month of August is your chance to make a first Psychological Consultancy via Skype 50 minutes free !
Last year many have responded to this initiative because those who simply wanted the information and who because he had urgent need of help ..
Dario (fictitious name to protect your privacy) contacts me because from them a few days before he had to leave for the holidays. problem is this: even though he feels like he started from a few days to feel afraid to be able to get sick during the trip , a thought that troubled him little initially but gradually became more and more agitated and try bringing this severe anxiety.
During counseling online via the Skype ask you a series of questions that I need to understand how it is structured his problem, what he is doing to overcome it and what happens when it comes into anxiety (this is important because anxiety disorders are all the same). Feeling understood  Dario says he feels more comfortable and this is an important thing because those who suffer from an anxiety disorder will often give you the feeling of not feeling understood by those close to him.
Since the date of his departure is near and that he has difficulty to move in the car we decide to resend via Skype every few days so that they can teach a hypnotic technique to develop the ability to be clear and therefore have the peace required to travel.
Normally people associate with the problem not being able to be relaxed then logically try to practice without success relaxation techniques. In most cases, the ‘anxiety in fact should not be treated with relaxation techniques that are effective for reducing stress; in the case of anxiety with hypnosis is important to develop the ability to be calm thus removing the negative thoughts and the agitation which ensues.Â
Darius went to the sea and took on his mobile recording the track mp3 hypnosis we have done during this second meeting, and on his return to contact me to tell me that you are listening to the recording almost every night. He did it to feel more secure although he confesses that at times there would have been no need.
I wish you a beautiful day,
Manuel Mauri
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